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[2023.04.19~04.21] 한국 물리 학회

관리자 2023-04-25 조회수 226

l  일시: 2023.04.19(수)~2023.04.21(금)

l  장소: 대전컨벤션센터(DCC)

l  발표자: 한소연 연구원(전영표 박사), 김태한 연구원(방용빈 박사), 이은정 연구원(나윤주 박사), 양현서 연구원(이세훈 박사)

  1. l  주제: Low leakage current metal-insulator-metal structure based on beryllium oxide insulating layer created by a two-step spin-coating method, Analysis of thermal and electromanetic shielding properties based on copper/diamond composites, Enhanced  dielectric properties of Be-doped magnesium oxide nanopowder, Green Synthesis of SiOx/C Anode Materials for Lithium-Ion Batteries Using Sustainable Sub-Micron NaCl , Crystals and Rise Husk Precursors