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[안내] 소재·부품·장비산업 자립화 연구지원사업 『소재부품 기술개발 세미나 10차』

관리자 2022-08-29 조회수 155

2022년 9월 1일(목) 오후 2시 / 융기원 2층 세미나룸

□ 안병민 교수님 (아주대학교)

 ○ University of Southern California 재료공학 박사

 ○ University of Southern California / 박사 후 연구원

 ○ University of Southern California / 연구교수

 ○ 아주대학교 (2011~)

 ○ 주요 연구분야

    - Physical and mechanical metallurgy of lightweight alloys, Advanced processes of powder metallurgy (P/M), Additive manufacturing (AM, 3D printing)

 ○ 발표주제: 첨단구조재료연구실 분말 소재 연구

□ 주요 논문 및 특허 실적

 ○ A comprehensive review of the prospects for future hydrogen storage in materials - application and outstanding issues  / International Journal of Energy Research (2022)

 ○ A review on high - temperature applicability: A milestone for high entropy alloys / Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal (2022)

 ○ Upcycling of abandoned banner via thermocatalytic process over a MnFeCoNiCu high - entropy alloy catalyst / Journal of Hazardous Materials (2022) 

 ○ Microstructural evolution and compressive properties of nanocrystalline Ti-Fe alloy fabricated via cryomilling and spark plasma sintering / Journal of Materials Science (2022)

 ○ Microstructure and reactivity of cryomilled Al-Ni energetic material with nanoscale lamellar structure / Journal of Materials Science (2022)