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[안내] 소재·부품·장비산업 자립화 연구지원사업 『소재부품 기술개발 세미나 9차』

관리자 2022-08-17 조회수 112

2022년 8월 18일(목) 오후 4시 / 융기원 2층 세미나룸

□ 정성원 교수님(국립경상대학교)

 ○ 포항공과대학 물리학 박사

 ○ 연세대학교 / Research Assistant

 ○ Diamond Light Source Ltd. (UK) / Postdoctoral Research Associate

 ○ 국립경상대학교 (2021~)

 ○ 주요 연구분야

    - Angle-resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy (ARPES), Spatially-resolved ARPES  (Nano ARPES), Spin-resolved ARPES (SR-ARPES), Low-energy electron diffraction (LEED), Tight-binding model calculation, Density Functional Theory (DFT, Wein2K)

 ○ 발표주제: Black phosphorus for pseudospintronics

□ 주요 논문 및 특허 실적

 ○ Black phosphorus as a bipolar pseudospin semiconductor /  Nature Materials (2020)

 ○ Spectral functions of CVD grown MoS2 monolayers after chemical transfer onto Ausurface / Applied Surface Science (2020)

 ○ Fermi-crossing Type-Ⅱ Dirac fermoins and topological surface states in NiTe2 / Scientific Reports (2020)

 ○ Holstein polaron in a valley-degenerate two-dimensional semiconductor / Nature Materials (2018)

 ○ Sublattice interference as the origin of σ band kinks in graphene / Physicla Review Letters (2016)