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Dependence of irradiated high-power electromagnetic waves on the failure threshold time of semiconductors using a closed waveguide

Min, S.-H., Kim, J.-I., Sattorov, M., Kim, S., Hong, D., Kim, S., Hong, B.-H., Park, C., Ma, S., Kim, M., Lee, K.-C., Lee, Y.-J., Kwon, H.-B., Yoo, Y.-J., Park, S.-Y., Park, G.-S.
Electronics (Switzerland), 10(16), 1884 (2021)


The failure threshold time of semiconductors caused by the impact of irradiated high-power electromagnetic waves (HPEM) is experimentally studied. A SN7442 integrated circuit (IC) is placed in an emulator with a WR430 closed waveguide and is irradiated by HPEM generated from a magnetron oscillator. The state of the SN7442 component is observed by a light-emitting diode (LED) detector and the voltage measured in the SN7442 component. As the magnitude of the electric field in the HPEM is varied from 24 kV/m to 36 kV/m, the failure threshold time falls from 195 s to 17 s with dependence of the irradiated electric field (E) on the failure threshold time (T) from T~E-12 to a T~E-6