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Analogue of electromagnetically induced transparency based on asymmetric nickel-ferrite metamaterials in THz regime

Tae-Han Kim, Young Joon Yoo, Sang Yoon Park, Bo Wha Lee
AIP Advances 13(7), 075206(2023)
DOI: 10.1063/5.0146706


The electromagnetically induced transparency-like characteristics of asymmetric nickel-ferrite metamaterials through near-field coupling are investigated in the terahertz regime. The nickel-ferrite metamaterial consists of a cut wire resonator on the front side and a disk resonator at the back of the quartz substrate. The analog of electrmagnetically induced transparency is characterized by employing a finite differnce frequency domain technique. By designing the nickel-ferrite metamaterial to overcome Snoek's limitation of ferrite materials in the THz spectrak region, electromagnetically induced transparency-like spectral features with a high quality factor and slow-light effect are a achieved. These results may provide an important way to understand the coupling mechanism and ferrite material application in slow-light devices, THz sensors, and tunable switching in THz frequency bands.