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Low leakage current metal-insulator-metal structure based on beryllium oxide insulating layer created by a two-step spin-coating method, Analysis of thermal and electromanetic shielding properties based on copper/diamond composites

The Korean Physical Society, DCC DAEJEON, Korea (2023)

So Yeon Han, Min Ji Lee, Hak Ji Lee, Ju Sang Park, Young Pyo Jeon, Young Joon Yoo, and Sang Yoon Park

Beryllium oxide (BeO) is believed to be an attractive material for use in upcoming industries such as semiconductors, spacecraft, aircraft, and rocket technologies due to its high bandgap energy, melting point, thermal conductivity, and dielectric constants. The most common method used to produce BeO is the Pechini method. Pechini synthesis has successfully been adapted to 100 different mixed oxide compounds, including perovskite powders and metal oxide films, since the method was introduced. However, limitations of conbentional Pechini techniques include a lack of morphology controls for the thin film process due to the viscosity of the gel precursor and the inhomogeneous nucleation that occurs during polyesterification and sintering, respectively. Our approach is a novel method to create BeO insulting layer based on a two-step spin-coating innovation of the conventional Pechinisynthesis method. The surface morphology and the crystal structure of BeO thin films were observed to be dependent on the citric acid/beryllium sulfate ratio and the sintering temperature, respectively. Finally, the leakage current of a plannal metal-insulator-metal device consistingof Au/Ti/BeO thin film/Ti/Au electrodes was determined to perform low leakage current
